Hardt and Negri’s section on the “feminization” of work is only part of their
larger argument, it deserves a decent amount of attention given today’s
politics and the place of women in the workforce.
disagree with H&N’s smaller point that the “last two or three decades” have
witnessed an increased presence of women in the workforce. Rather, I would
argue, women’s work has become increasingly more visible. In some senses H&N’s
would agree – they rightly point to women’s domestic labor as something that
has always been seen as something the women naturally
do, rather than being respected as work. Yet, they fail in this selection
to look at women’s labor practices before 1900. If they were to do so, they
would find that women have been working at low level jobs as long as there have
been such a thing. Even in the cottage industry and the early whispers of
Capital, women’s work balanced domestic tasks with production tasks.
It is not a new phenomenon that women are
present and effective in the workforce. They always have been. Rather, we are
now seeing their presence, and feeling the effects that characterize this “feminization”:
“Part-time and informal employment, irregular hours, and multiple jobs” (133).
Women have always worked in these conditions. At least, I can say with
confidence, sense the 1500s.
acknowledge too the “bitter irony” that “feminization” has not brought about
gender equality in the work place. It some ways, I think that it has in that
the men are now being treated as poorly as the women workers have always been.
Women are still paid less, on average, for these similarly crummy jobs.
this process of becoming biopolitical is evident on the “feminization” alone
points to the gender bias built into this system. H&N deal with inherent
problem by redirecting “feminization” as “labor becoming biopolitical . . . emphasiz[ing]
the increased blurred boundaries between labor and life, and between production
and reproduction” (134). They hope to fold in the “feminization” into the
biopolitical in order not to confuse or misdirect the readers attention from
the greater events of biopolitic.
if we expand our historical lens and see the “feminization” not as modern
phenomenon, but as a historical constant experiencing resurgences throughout the
centuries, does it earn a different place in H&N’s model?
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